She said the word "tumor" just as my fingers touched the orange outgrowth. I don't know if it was the word or the surpassingly creepy, wet-rubbery feel of the alleged plant life, but a bone-deep chill ran throughout my body and, even now, I can't think about it without feeling bile rise in the back of my throat. I tried to go back and read, but I could see those (shudder) tumors dangling overhead - okay, overhead and 20 yards away - and I couldn't concentrate on my book.
Thankfully, the trauma was brief. I'd completely forgotten about the diseased cedar when K popped up online this morning to inform me that she'd discovered that the growth on the tree was actually a fungus called "Cedar-Apple Rust." Great. Fungus. Even grosser. Although this name does not do it justice. It should be called something like "Necrotic Sponge-Filth of Evil."
I'm not sure I can ever spend time in the backyard without imagining those squishy little fungus-fingers reaching toward me. It just may be the most disgusting thing found in nature. I suspect it may actually be why the last owners moved.
Just look. I dare you.
Actually I said that cedats don't have cones, they make there really pretty greenish-lavenderish balls, but ok...
And the description of the fungus also uses the word "tumor," so you can stick with that if it makes you feel better.
i shudder to think what would happen if you stepped inside the old forest!
I saw a dude in scrubs and one in a Member's Only jacket step into the Old Forest a couple days ago. I shudder to think ...
If you have any fruit trees that fungus will spread to them and infect them.
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