No, no, not me, goofus! Baby modeling. It has recently occurred to me that, as the mother of the world's most baby-esque baby, I really should be capitalizing... er, sharing the beauty of Mr. Baby with the world. Or at least whoever pays really close attention to the kids in local pediatrician ads. It just seems wasteful to let his perfectly round head go unappreciated.
Of course, Mr. Baby is not my only gorgeous child. He is, however, the only one whose temperament is suited for professional image-making. He will go to anyone, smile for any reason and generally leaves an echo of "awwwws" in his wake. Miss M, however, has a tendency toward shyness around strangers, plus the pressure of having her picture taken often makes her act like she's being Tasered. So although her beauty is, quite unbiasedly, astounding, it is, quite sadly, unmarketable. At least until she's a grown-up model and it's considered perfectly acceptable to throw food and scream unintelligibly at the photographer.
But come on, seriously ...
(Staff photo)
You should definitely milk this face for all that it's worth!
He does have a beautifully round head and a gorgeous smile. Just keep that evil cat away from his face!
Do It!
I distinctly remember telling you to pimp Miss M at out at his age. Don't miss this opportunity! He should, at the very least, be a Mothersville model!
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